
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Design: Weekly Goals (Mar 14-17)

So, four days isn't exactly a week, but since I accomplished my March Goals of resting during Spring Break and enjoying our trip to see my family in PA earlier his week, I feel accomplished enough to just skip those days!!!

Anyways, here's last week's results:
March Goals
1.  Fulfill my "Daily Priorities" (eating Breakfast, earlier sleep, exercise)
2.  Read a Proverb a Day

3.  Greek Aorist/Undefined Participles
4.  Finish DSMN class

5.  Menu Plan, Grocery Shopping, and blog!
6.  Catch up Laundry/Packing for PA

7.  Book a Massage ;) -- Called, but had to leave a message; hoping to book for next week!
8.  Have some Personal Time Daily

And my goals for this week:
March Goals
1.  Fulfill my daily priorities
2.  Read a Proverb a Day

3.  Review Greek Adjectival Participles
4.  Prepare (and work ahead) in my new class, Psalms

5.  Laundry from PA trip
6.  Begin Spring Cleaning

7.  Book a Massage ;)
8.  Watch Dial M for Murder

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